Izele pages overview


Izele is a collection of pages that have been created by people who want to share news, information and data about their conservation work. Creating a page is free of charge and this section goes through the steps for producing something that best represents you, your conservation organisations and your conservation projects.

Izele page types

In Izele you can create a personal page, as well as pages for your conservation organisations (conservation areas, groups or businesses) and projects:

  • Personal page. Every person with an Izele account has a personal page, which shows you which pages you follow and manage. If you want, you can tailor this page and make it public so people can see what pages you like, which places you have visited and what species you have seen.
  • Organisation page - Conservation Area. This is a page for any patch of land or water that you think is important and contains animals, plants and habitats that you care about. Examples include Kruger National Park, a community-based nature reserve or a communal garden in a city.
  • Organisation page - Conservation Group. This is a page for any group of people with a shared purpose and goals that include conserving nature. Examples include an international NGO with thousands of members, a local conservancy association or a group of volunteers who care about local nature.
  • Organisation page - Business. A business is a company or organisation that provides goods and/or services. Examples include a hotel, restaurant, bird guiding tour or a community-based ecotourism venture.
  • Project page. This is a page for a specific set of activities being undertaken by a conservation area, group, business or individual. Examples include a Masters research project on elephant movements in a national park, a three year project run by a conservation organisation to train people to grow and plant indigenous trees or a long-term project to monitor waterbirds.

Izele lets you tailor your page so that it best reflects you and your conservation areas, groups, businesses or projects. But there are also a number of shared steps described in the pages in this help section.

Important links

Creating pages in Izele
Updating your Personal page
Adding banner and profile pictures

Customising the News feed tab
Customising the Amenities tab
Customising the Map tab
Customing the Species tab
Customising the About tab
Defining page relationships

Registering for Izele
Logging in